Financial Independence Resources

We wouldn’t be nearly as far along on our FI paths without the help of several incredible resources. Here’s a list of the most influential books, podcasts, blogs, and online communities that we recommend to all folks, regardless of how far along you are.

Financial independence books we love

The Simple Path to Wealth, J.L. Collins

Your Money or Your Life, Joseph R. Dominguez and Vicki Robin

The Millionaire Next Door, Thomas J. Stanley

The Index Card, Helaine Olen

Financial literacy and FI podcasts we binge

HerMoney: While this podcast is targeted toward women, it’s incredibly helpful for learning about several aspects of financial literacy. It’s not all about financial independence, but if you’re just getting started on your financial journey, it’s very empowering. Plus, Jean Chatzky is like the financial fairy godmother you never knew you needed. (You’re welcome.)

Choose FI: These guys tackle all angles of financial independence. When I (Meghan) first found them, I scanned through their entire episode guide and gobbled up everything I could find about getting started on an FI journey. Jeff, on the other hand, is on his way to listening to their entire episode library to brush up on all things FI.

Mad Fientist: Another great resource for folks on the FI journey.

All the Hacks: This isn’t a strictly FI pod but it’s full of great takeaways around finances and especially travel hacks.

Bigger Pockets: We love this one because it dives deep into real estate investing with a flavor of FI throughout.

Financial Feminist: Host Tori Dunlap takes financial literacy to a special new level in this podcast. It’s insightful, straightforward, empowering, and screams “fuck the patriarchy” in no uncertain terms.

Blogs and Online Communities for Financial Independence

J.L. Collins blog

Mr. Money Mustache

HerMoney Facebook Group

Go Curry Cracker!

A Way to FI Facebook Group